dollar transactions

英 [ˈdɒlə(r) trænˈzækʃənz] 美 [ˈdɑːlər trænˈzækʃənz]




  1. If the value of the dollar fluctuates too far out of an acceptable range, it will usually be brought back in line through currency transactions by central banks.
  2. As a major reserve currency, the U.S. dollar is used in considerable amount of global trade in commodities as well as in most of the investment and financial transactions.
  3. Foreign currencies like the US dollar and South African rand have been used for most transactions since 2009.
  4. In theory, the Fed might provide dollar liquidity for offshore transactions, as during the global financial crisis, but it would not be inclined to provide liquidity to an offshore market established expressly to circumvent US sanctions.
  5. The CNY would be used for current account transactions such as exports and imports, while the new Chinese dollar ( HKD/ CNH) would cater for capital account financial transactions.
  6. They might try to set up dollar clearing offshore, an echo of the eurodollar market that sprang up in Europe in the 1970s in response to US controls on international transactions.
  7. The US Federal Reserve is considering dramatic changes to the giant "repo" markets where banks around the world raise overnight dollar loans including creating a utility to replace the Wall Street banks that now handle transactions, people familiar with the matter say.
  8. Brazilian officials told the Financial Times on Monday that the governors of the two countries 'central banks would meet soon to discuss replacing the US dollar with the renminbi and the real in trade transactions.
  9. New York banks were allegedly used to provide dollar financing for sales of components to Iran, in a complex chain that involved payments by Iranian banks in euros and dollar transactions by Chinese institutions.
  10. The purpose of this US dollar clearing system is to facilitate the efficient settlement of US dollar transactions in our time zone.
  11. Hong Kong scored a first in the elimination of Herstatt risk for Hong Kong dollar versus US dollar transactions.
  12. The Ordinance also paves the way for the admission of Hong Kong dollar into the continuous Linked Settlement system, a global clearing and settlement system for cross-border foreign exchange transactions.
  13. This development places Japanese banks "ahead" of many European counterparts, which have reduced dollar transactions with Iran, but are generally still willing to do business in euros.
  14. The dollar does not merely perform as the international reserve currency. Around the globe, the pricing and trade of considerable commodity, bulk commodity in particular, all use dollar, so do capital flow, direct investment and financial market transactions.
  15. The investigation is the latest instance of a European financial institution coming under scrutiny by US regulators over allegations involving illicit dollar transactions with Iran and other countries.